Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today was not the day after all, but the before and after looks great!

Before and after. What a difference so far, right?!  I am not in love with my left foot yet
because it doesn't look as good as my left. I am one those types who has to see everything even and 
it really annoys me that my second toes don't look the same. So far this is the only thing I am
disappointed about.

Good morning!

Lastnight I decided to take the bandages off and clean my feet as good as I could. I am going to be wearing sandals out of the office today (hopefully) and there is no way I could walk around with dead dry skin all over my feet.

I wasn't rough at all on them, but today I woke up and my pinkie toe on my left foot is pretty sore. It hurts when I walk. My right foot feels normal, even with the pins still being in, they feel normal, no pain at all. I don't know why it hurting, other than from wiping and trying to use a Q tip to clean in between my toes, to avoid pulling them apart.


I guess today was not my day after all. I didn't get my pins out. He said the pins in my 2nd toes were ready to come out, but he really didn't want the pins in my 4th toes out just yet. He wants to keep them in for 10 more days. Ugh!

He then went on to say that he could take the pins out, but then he would want to bind it with tape to the toes next to it, for support. He said that there was more work done on my 4th toe, than it was on my 2nd and if he doesn't let the bone heal properly with the support of the pin, scar tissue could develop around the bone and I could have problems down the road.

Of course I said leave the pin in all toes and I will return in 10 days to get them all out. I know that leaving the pins in longer could mean it will hurt less when taking them out. So, 10 more days, well actually its 11 because the 10th days is a Sunday; 11 more days and I am free.

He said that once the pins come out, he wants to see me in 3-4 weeks after that for my last appointment. He also said that once the pins come out of my toes, I can wear normal shoes if I can tolerate it.

The incisions on my pinkie toes look like they have split apart, but he said this is normal. He also said my pinkie toes will take the longest to heal. I forgot why he said that thought...Sorry.

Bummed, but so glad things are going well. He was very impressed with the way things were looking. I was happy about that.

So...I won't write unless I have something to tell. Hoping things stay good though :)

Thank you for reading.

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